19/08/12   21.26

Sunday morning, up with the lark, think i'll take a walk in the la la. 

Thats Beautiful Sunday, if you're not sure of the song. 
Today Reisse and i went on an adventure on a train. I dont really use public transport anymore, not because i'm a snob but because I have a car. 
But coupled with the price of petrol and the fact Reisse got free because it was Beautiful Sunday, we went on our jaunt.

We got talking to the ticket inspector and reisse told him once he had  burger, pizza, onion rings and chips for his dinner once at Mr Basra's. Ticket guy said that didn't sound too bad to him.

A bit of people watching is always brilliant in Glasgow. There's an array of entertainers in the streets and i love Glasgow. I love the atmosphere, it's where i was born. 
Young boys were break dancing, as in busking which was amazing because the four of them were obviously mortified but had the banter with each other, and took it in turns to dance. 
There was a native american with pan pipes, A braveheart drumming band and a little old grampa singing "you cannae shove your granny off a bus!"'

Had a kiss on the forehead from a girl on my Facebook last night in the pub who said "Ive read your blog, you're a really nice person!!' Im not really sure why to be honest, but yeah, i'll take that. 
 Im not sure who's reading this, but I kept getting notifications and its at 700 views now. I have no way of knowing who is reading it, maybe its the same person clicking refresh and reading it 700 times haha. That would amuse me. 

Added in some photos above of how my weekend went, and some people that made it good. 
Wandering through Glasgow, we ended up in Sloane market and Reisse took my picture in front of a romantic dust bin haha. 
Been thinking about travel plans for next year and have a few ideas, one thing losing my brother taught me is that you really never know your day so maybe now is the time to do what you want. Without being cliched or hurtful to other people's feelings, it really is your life. 


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