ITS my Birthday today (well 7th July). 31 WTF???? How did that happen? We are still in Cuba, and to be honest, no matter how much i saved to come here and how much I love it, I am dying to go home. I dont know why we always end up abroad on my birthday, probably because its a lot cheaper last week of June. 

We are going swimming with the dolphins tomorrow, which im looking forward to, dont think reisse is though. Hes at that age where he wants to hang about with other kids. He'll love it when he's there though. 

On monday we went speedboating which was brilliant, we went so fast, reisse was filiming and i thought we were going to tip over. We had a break at a farmers house, and tried all the fruits, guava, coconut milk and lychees. Lee ate a lychee then asked after if it was an animal???? wouldnt you check before you ate it?

it was funny on the speedboat because the instructor didnt speak much english, and his instruction was 'TO GO LEFT, YOU TURN TO THE LEFT, TO GO RIGHT YOU TURN TO THE RIGHT AND TO STOP, YOU PULL THIS RED THING. NOW GO!!!!!!!'
cheers mate. 

of course being as graceful as i am, i couldnt get on properly so ended up having to crawl along on my hands and knees, Think you will probably find that clip on youtube somewhere haha,. 

We had a beach party till 3am, drank rum, and danced on the beach. We had thunder and lightening storms, and there are crabs everywhere. Not the sexual kind but you never know. (not from me though no siree)!!!

It is a beautiful country though, the beach is straight out a postcard, 

You can see from the photos, looks like paradise. 

I am proud of myself though, i worked and saved hard as a single mum to be able to bring my son here. On monday we are going to Holguin, we saw cars like the one below. 
Althought the main religion over here is Voodoo, most people think its Catholicism. When they bury their dead in a cemetery, they go back 2 years later for the bones, and put them in a family drawer. 
They are so poor here too. the receptionist was admiring my bag every day, £9 in Primark, that would cost her a months wages to buy. 
They were fascinated by my ipod too and nearly fell over as it would cost 2 years wages to buy.

This was Reisse at the Cross on the Hill, a religious memorial and homeless people walk 6 miles to stand here in the baking heat to accost tourists and beg. Men who have spent 2 years in the army and 2 more in University are so poor their shoes are falling off their feet. 
Beautiful and interesting country though


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