17/08/12 10.51

ONCE  when i was finishing work, and tidying wires, this woman came up to me who had been in the pub all night. She had been getting drunk with her husband and had got up and sung 'All That Jazz." I didnt pay her much attention, she was not that noticeable, didn't particularly stand out form the crowd so it took me aback when she came up to me.
Dont get me wrong, im used to people coming up to me to say they've had a good night etc but she walked up and said "Someones coming for you.!" I think my puzzled face must have given away the fact I didnt have a clue what she was talking about. I thought she was meaning her mates were coming to get me haha. 

Anyway she said "someones coming for you, I know you've lost someone and he was great but ive been watching you for the past half hour and i know youre miserable inside. I feel like you would benefit from what i have to tell you. I havent felt the need to tell anyone something for a long time but youre taken a lot of knocks especially in the past few months and i wanted to let you know that happiness is coming. You're going to meet someone int the next 6 months that will be the one for you if you can get your barriers down to let him in. You already have a son who's very funny but there are more for you." 

I started to film her on my phone while she was talking. She didnt ask for any money and just talked and talked about how unhappy I looked and how I had barriers up, she worked in an office but felt like i would benefit from what she had to tell me, but she didnt want anything for it. 

She spoke to me for a good ten minutes and i filmed the whole thing on my phone, by the time she had finished she just walked away. My phone just got suddenly too hot i had to put it down and turned itself off. Im not naive, i know theres a lot of cynical people out there who will think its load of crap but i think there had to be a reason she came up to me in particular. She didnt know i had lost Scott, knew nothing about me but still felt the need to come up to me. 

i have a 3 second video of her talking that worked but the ten minute one didnt. Something strange about that, no denying. 

a good friend of mine, Hayley, took me to a Sally Buxton night in the bowling club and had another woman, Margaret Dryer with her. 
Faces and faces of desperate people all eager on the edge of their seats, waiting and hoping to hear from a lost loved one or merely just there through curiousity. 

Sally Buxton was a normal, middle aged woman from Irvine, well known in the medium/spiritual world and many people clamour to gain an appointment with her . I remember phoning once, and she wasnt in, her husband answered and i said "How dare she go out, she was supposed to know I was going to phone!!!!'

Rows and rows of people all expectantly gazing at Sally, all hoping that someone they know on the other side cares enough to be able to come through with a message for them. I could never decide if she  had a curse or a blessing with a gift like that. 

Do people who pass, miss us as desperately as we miss them?
The soul continues doesnt it? Its effervescent, like a vapour. I met a guy at work not long ago, Sandy, who is a Buddhist and he said the best way to describe it as that the soul is vapour, its all aroundbut can take a different form such as clouds, into rain, condensation and steam. It just changes as the body disintegrates. 

When we scattered Budsie's ashes at the tree in Dunkeld, and went back 6 months later, you could still see his ashes amongst the dirt. I couldnt believe it. It was like he didnt want to leave. 

Anyway getting back to sally buxton, she went round the room and had this woman in tears. THere was a guy sitting next to me,who was a binman, and his dad had passed away. he had been a betting man and was holding up some bettting pencils. The grown man beside me was in tears because usually all you hear from so called psychics is that "Yeah im fine, im really happy, im sending you love etc". 

But when you hear that people who have passed on are as devastated as you are and missing you as much as you miss them, it honestly breaks your heart. 

half the reason we can hopefully find peace with losing someone is that we think when they leave, they go to a better place and that they no longer hurt. 

The probably are, the majority will be but maybe people, like my brother who were taken in an instant and never had the chance to come to terms with it, how are they? Are they as lost as us? 

i read once that depending on how quickly they do come to terms with it, it could be up to ayear before a psychic is able to get in touch with them or some can be so in tune with their own grief that they are at their own funeral. 

like ive said before, no one  is ever going to know, until they get there themselves and they can't come back and tell people. 

During the course of this evening, sally buxton was sitting quietly while Margaret Dryer was going round the room passing messages and then sally stood up and said 'whose is the little girl in the ballet costume? she has been dancing in the middle of the room for 10 minutes and has been trying to get my attention."  In the bowling club, the seats were all around the floor with an empty wooden floor in the middle. Sally had been watching this little girl in a ballet costume dancing. everyone was gobsmacked, looking around until claimed this little girl saying their next door neighbour had lost a girl who danced all the time. 

Jaclyn and i went to the psychic centre in Glasgow once and it seemed to me they were just making up crap. "Oh yeah i can see you have a job where you use the phone. Er doesn't everyone???"

"You like Music." Duh, you dont get someone walking around with their ears shut. I actually had mine tell me "yeah youre going to meet a guy, but i cant tell you where, how or when. We will keep that as a surprise. " 
Aw gee thanks. 

I could start going round telling people that and charging them twenty quid for the privilege. 
"Hiya, your hair is brown, and you like wearing shoes. Give me a hundred pounds. "
Man I could totally be a psychic!


  1. does anyone have sally buxtons number to book her to come to your home?

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