Today started off with a migraine and a a rant to a good friend Jo. She is maybe one of the only people who got me for a long time.
and not because she has been in the same position but maybe because rationality and empathy has grown with her.

I remember walking to the town on the sunday after my brother went because i didnt want to i walked.

I came to a crossroads and could have gone one way or another. THe church or the Pub.

I took the way my parents would be proud of and ended up in the Lords house., I was distraught and saw an elderly lady who was friends with my mum. She sat with me, her frail arms around my shoulders as they heaved and let me cry.

Her kindness made me cry worse than before and she asked the minister to come and say a prayer with me.
The minister was a stand in one because my parents friend was on holiday and i think he was only 26. he had no experience of a young persons sudden death and his awkwardness was apparent ;.

I could feel myself getting angry at his disconcertedness but human decency prevailed and i prayed with him, for my brothers lost soul.

My mum phoned my mobile after i left that church and said her friend had phoned and told her where i went as she had been worried i was in such a state.
Poor little Barbara.

"Come home sweetheart,'my mum gently said.

I started to walk but rememer being slumped in a doorway and got a facebook message from Jo just saying how sorry she was....etc.

It wasnt really any different from the hundreds of others id had but i desperately wanted to speak to her.

WE hadn't been very close before (she is very very old! Some say older than time itself) but we were friends,  At that moment i was desperate to speak to her.

I had avoided most other peopler up to that point,

Thats her above, See how old she is. and how the other one is in the Royal family. HI Princess Rach, 

Jo listens to my rants and rationally calms me down. 
This morning was much the same and it ended up better than it started 


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