
Some of the people shown here have made a difference to my year, most of them don't know it but in one way or another, they have made a difference to helping me.

Charlie's Angels, in Jinty's. Heather is hard as nails, but even she offered a cuddle when i needed it. I took it!!!.

Louise, sarcastic and cold, haha. rubbed my shoulder, the first act of empathy i have ever seen, maybe thats what made it all the more genuine 

My son, could gush about him  all day long, but i think the rest of the blog will testify to that

My big cousin, Derek, who reminds me so much of Scott in so many ways, 
Love him. He is sympathetic but straight to the point and has a 'screw you' attitude which belies his heart. 
Girls he's single by the way!!!! YOu know what to do!

My best Geordie pal Rhiannon. Man i love this chick. Met her in Turkey years ago when she came and asked me if her boyfriend loved her. I said "Is he here?' She says no, I said " well how am i meant to know then." We have been through so many ups and downs

My big cousin Kirsty, with Scott and I as children. Sweetest woman i know

Shelley, who offers humour when i need it most,and the sadness gets too much, provides ditzy comments

Me, my cousin claire and Scott, PArt of the family i love

Jac, me and Heather in the old days when we would go out every wednesday night clubbing and would call it JSA Wednesdays (for those who didnt have jobs) haha

me and rhiannon again, smashed in Newcastle. 

Me and Fonzy. I love this guy, he's just the best. 

me and my little cousin Pauline, we have grown up together, her grief mirrored mine when Scott went, as did the others

Me and Granny JO. She's not really my granny but turned up the other day for lunch and said we could do a road trip like Thelma and Louise, she would be Louise because she sounds younger, I said "yeah but Thelma gets Brad Pitt' and she turns up looking like mother time!!!

My dad!!!!  Don't think i need to say much about what this man means to me, it speaks for itself 

Cam, who is there for me more than he knows

So is Nikki

So is Colin


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