14/08/12 22.52

Currently im single as well. Have been properly for about 6 years since i was divorced.
I have had 5 short term boyfriends in that time, and each and every one of them has said they loved me,
each and every one has been kicked to the kerb haha.

Looking back, I am the common denominator here. I am the one scared of love, maybe not scared of it but i certainly don't crave it like a normal girl.
I cant even say its since my brother passed because ive always been like this. Im too independent.

See when i see these new couples on facebook, going everywhere together, one girl has been going out with someone for 2 months and they have just bought a car together, I just think theyre bonkers.
Who does that???

They're lucky if I would share a foot long Subway sandwich with them.
I use the low self esteem no confidence excuse and sarcasm as a mask, but I think it's because maybe i'm scared because I pick flaws in everything.
One guy had a crap mobile phone (so did I at the time, but that wasnt the point).

I once went on a blind date with someone and he turned up in his security guards uniform short sleeved and looking older than my date.
We were outside a bus stop in the middle of Johnstone, in the days before mobiles had cameras on them, he looked at me and i knew what he was thinking.
Is that her? I was praying to God it wasnt him but had to think fast on my feet.

He could have been praying I wasn't me either but this is my blog and in my blog, Im a  princess.
I carried on walking past him, brought out my mobile and started to talk to an imaginary person.

Imagine my dismay when he thought it was a good idea to call and see if i was on my way at the very moment I walked past.

Cue a few embarassing looks and I had to pretend I was French and ducked in to a back end pub in the middle of JOhnstone.
I still have the diary from that day, I got drunk with a guy with a scar on his face, and a girl with bigger hoop earrings than you've seen bangles, but had an brilliant night.
Poor security guard. He's probably married to Sherrie Hewson now.


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