
Home alone, like Macaulay Culkin. 
Reisse is staying with his friend so Darcy's staring at me waiting for me to do something entertaining. 

Nothing's springing to mind. Feel like misbehaving on my own, in my own house. IM 31!!!!!!

So yeah i made nachos, jalapenos and salsa covered with cheese and ate them watching Bridesmaids. 

Closest thing ill get to happiness tonight haha. Doesnt take much to please me. 
Reading last years journals are still painful but there's funny moments in there from the wonderful Reisse too. He got my through it, and was why i got up in the morning.

So here's some more. 

I said to him I loved him more than anything, he says "Thank God, so i finally bypassed Marilyn Monroe and diet Coke!"

He was reading Michael Mcintyre's autobiography and said "Holy mama, How did his hot mother produce such a chubby Chinese kid?"

Reisse and I were talking about birthdays and I said id never been given the dumps at school. He leaned forward, tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, "Oh im so sorry. Is that because you were adopted?" 
I couldnt stop laughing and said "Er no? its because my birthday was in the summer holidays '

CHARLES 01/04/11
Reisse and i were ballroom dancing, he was dressed in a top hat and raincoat and i wore my bridesmaid dress. 
He knocked on the front door as if it was a date and we were curtseying and bowing, we danced to "MY fair Lady" and he said "That was awesome, can we do that every night? "

Me: I just kissed the tv
Reisse; will you stop doing that? Last time you did that, you complained about how long it took to clean it 

Reisse said "Daniel Craig looks like Hugh Lawrie."  Er no Reisse he doesn't. 

When trying to teach Reisse how to play poker, he said his face was 'NONCHALANT!"

REISSE AND i were watching Ps I love you, and he asked what the actress was called. He nearly wet his pants when i said her name was Hilary Swank, made me say it 3 times

Last time i bought cherries, was in Turkey so i bought some at home in Tesco and gave them to Reisse. He said "ewwwww i cant believe you brought cherries from turkey 2 weeks ago, picked them off the ground, probably licked them and gave them to me! What kind of mother are you?" 
i said "Er excuse me, ive just brought them from Tesco!!!!"

theres a sketch in Family GUy about JUlia Roberts but Reisse didnt know who she was in real life so i showed her to him and told him she was one of the worlds most beautiful women in the 80s/90s. he was shocked and said "What ????? Who the hell else was in the competition? Helen Kellar and Peter Andre's manager?'

I was having trouble sleeping and Reisse said "Try Chloroform if you can't sleep!!!"
I was like "What?? how do you know about Chloroform?' He said "Grampa told me!!!' hahaha


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