
Feel like myself today. Had such a good weekend with my son. A lot of problems lately, just teenage stuff, nothing major but just the usual moodiness. That all changed today.

He was back to his wonderful self. 
We played pool, pretended to be army snipers in the bunkers and did roley poleys. He says "mum you do realised you're 31." 

I am dying to pop this spot on his nose because it is actually green. He said to me today "Mum you are actually crazy,' I said 'your face is actually green' and he laughed and said "THat was because I winched the Grinch>"

I asked him why he was putting his foot in the water, he said he wanted to check if it was wet. 
HE made up a website saying he was a young entrepreneur making cupcakes and wedding cakes. When i pointed out he didnt actually know how to do either of these things, he thought about it and said "Well I hope no one calls me then!!''

He honestly is the funniest person i have ever met. I feel blessed to have him, absolutely. I dont really care if anyone thinks thats soppy but its because of him I am even writing this. 

If there had been no Reisse how would I have got up in the morning over the past year. 

Where would i have gone if i hadnt had to take him places, go places with him, shared his childhood. Life would have been empty. He shapes me in to the person i am now and Scott shaped me into the person I became. IF I HADnt had reisse when i did,he would never have known scott. THere's a lot to be said for teenage mums. We're not all scumbags angling for a council house!!

Just for kicks, here is a photo of me hiding behind a rock. Reisse was doing his 14 year old huffiness and i was wanting a laugh on the way to play pool/ He was desperate to get there so on the way, i was shooting him, singing, dancing, hiding on the rocks and doing tumble overs. Just to make him laugh you know. 

eventually his rage dissolved and he started laughing. He doesnt stay mad for long and we have devised a plan if either of us get mad for no stupid reason. like a codeword. 

So this weekend, i felt like me, I felt normal and good. 


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