See the thing i hate most about when you're single is you kinda turn into a psycho. You want to talk about him all the time, phone him all the time and text constantly, talk about him with your friends, if you meet someone you're interested in.
Problem is, guys see this as psycho behaviour.
Maybe it is. In fact, yeah it probably is a bit.
The fact is that arrrgh, i cant be too honest about stuff like this because any boys reading this will see into our secrets as women, and any women reading it will say, 'im not like that!!!!'
its easier to not have any interest in anyone as then you won't be sittin by the phone with sweat of desperation dripping down your forehead while you wait for them to call when they're probably sitting at home on their x box with one of those stupid headseats on, swearing at foreign strangers.
People play games.
I hate that. I think if you like someone you should just say, 'your face is alright. `i like your face, I like how it looks on your head and i would like to look at it more often. '
HAHA. WHO would actually say that? Me maybe after a few pints.
I'm highly strung though and if im honest i would like i am a pain in the arse as a girlfriend. I'm like, neurotic and panicky, but only if im not comfortable.
I prefer to set up other people rather than find someone of my own.
its easier to distance yourself rather than put yourself out there, and try for fear of it not working and you getting hurt, which is what most people, including me, do. Whether you admit it or not.
See the thing i hate most about when you're single is you kinda turn into a psycho. You want to talk about him all the time, phone him all the time and text constantly, talk about him with your friends, if you meet someone you're interested in.
Problem is, guys see this as psycho behaviour.
Maybe it is. In fact, yeah it probably is a bit.
The fact is that arrrgh, i cant be too honest about stuff like this because any boys reading this will see into our secrets as women, and any women reading it will say, 'im not like that!!!!'
its easier to not have any interest in anyone as then you won't be sittin by the phone with sweat of desperation dripping down your forehead while you wait for them to call when they're probably sitting at home on their x box with one of those stupid headseats on, swearing at foreign strangers.
People play games.
I hate that. I think if you like someone you should just say, 'your face is alright. `i like your face, I like how it looks on your head and i would like to look at it more often. '
HAHA. WHO would actually say that? Me maybe after a few pints.
I'm highly strung though and if im honest i would like i am a pain in the arse as a girlfriend. I'm like, neurotic and panicky, but only if im not comfortable.
I prefer to set up other people rather than find someone of my own.
its easier to distance yourself rather than put yourself out there, and try for fear of it not working and you getting hurt, which is what most people, including me, do. Whether you admit it or not.
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