29/10/12 HAD A lot of bad days lately mixed in with good ones, lowest one in a while was last Thursday. My sister in Law has taken off to New zealand for a while to live a little. Quit her job and off on an adventure. She doesn't think i was pleased about it but despite my protestations, nothing could be further from the truth. Im so pleased for her, that she has the strength to do this. Its something I would have done had i not had a son. Better than staying here and having to cope and drag yourself miserably through each day, might as well do it somewhere beautiful you've always wanted to go. They had planned to go to New Zealand together, but it always was too expensive and they never made it. She is taking the last of his ashes over and I think there's a hill named after our town so they will go there. My dad said yesterday "Poor Budsie, he always seemed to work so hard and never had any money to his name. " Thats true, i suppose, Him and I always ...