I didn’t know anyone still reads this.....


I just got an email from 2018 from someone who says she loved my blog.  I honestly don’t even imagine anyone reading this let alone loving it so thank you if you do. If you don’t, then you’ll never see this anyway haha.

For anyone thats interested at all, an update is I’ve travelled to 18 countries in two years, met a belter of a man and got married last year.

Here’s a picture for anyone bothered.  

We were obsessed with each other straight away, met 3 months after my dad passed away. 
We met on plenty of fish and during our ceremony i said ‘I was only there for a look>’ he said “I was only there for a fish!’

Everyone had a wee chuckle. Anyway i think i will start using this blog again, i miss writing and it was therapeutic for me to be honest,. 

Maybe i was supposed to meet Chris after i lost my dad and my brother, they felt someone should look after me, i hope he does that for the rest of our lives. 

Not a lot has been happening at the moment because of lockdown so I’ve languished in my bed for 14 weeks, haha. 
Ive seen everything on Netflix. Need to start making my own movies because most of them were pish.

I think ill write a post about each of our trips, but ill need to try and remember as its been a while. 
The best ones have been to America, we went twice and went to 5 states, New Orleans, New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Las Vegas. 

All were awesome but i literally wet my pants with excitement every time i think of New Orleans. Ive never been anywhere like it and we went on our Honeymoon. 

We booked and planned our wedding within 3 months because we had already booked New Orleans and wanted it to be our honeymoon.


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