Pain is uncomfortable

It’s uncomfortable to watch someone else in pain isn’t it! 
When someone asks “hey how are you?” 
What you want them to say is “I’m fine, how are you! “

You don’t want them to tell you that they have impossible hurt inside them that they don’t know how to heal. 
They don’t want people to post lovehearts on their status, or a wee like. 

They want human contact; a cuddle maybe so they can cry until they feel they don’t need to cry anymore. Someone to pop by without being asked because they can sense that you need it. 

The way of the world is the shy away from truth and honesty. 
The next time you want to say to someone “how are you? “ Ask them because you really want to know how they are. 

Maybe if we did there would be less of the heartache we keep hearing about everywhere. 


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