Malin Bjork

Malin Bjork 

It's been 6 weeks since I decided to lose some weight cos my bmi was 41. I've now lost 19 pounds and it's down to just under 39.

I hate the way I look. I've been doing up to 5 spin classes a week and have become one of those people who like going to exercise. Who is this person?
Haven't given up the alcohol tho. Still like getting smashed on lambrini.

Above is a picture on 1 September and then on 10 October to gage the difference. 

I have included pictures of me a in bridesmaid dress which was really tight on 1 August to last night 


I am watching YouTube videos of this woman called Malin Bjork who makes some fitness videos and trying out this. Her ass is amazing.

My ass is no bad to sit on but terrible to look at. To be fair it's my belly that's the main problem.
I don't want it to touch the ground when I plank!!!😂😂👌🏻👌🏻

My main problem
Was making excuses about not having time etc to exercise but I've prioritised.

This is important to me and I'm investing time in it.
In me!!!


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