New Year


New year? New Me?? Nah i dont do cliches. 

I am what i am and what i am needs no excuses haha. I think ive quoted that before. 

Anyway Christmas and New year are over and done with, another one down .  another one gotten through. 

I have worked constantly through them, had 3 hours sleep most nights in order to 'get through;' If i didnt the tears would have come. 
So i immersed myself in it, so much so that i lost my voice actually, much to other peoples glee and it still hasnt come back.

So i pretended I was in 8 Mile for the Karaoke and this russian woman said "You are the best female rapper i have ever heard: while i was singing House of Pain. 

Yeah cos thats my calling!!!!

I felt like myself this year, like who i am. I smiled. 
I was working at  the bells and was worried about feeling lonely in a place where everyone was full of hope for the future, kissing and cuddling bringing in a New year when i would be standing alone. But i neednt have worried. 

Everyone made me feel so welcome with their kisses for me during Auld Lang Syne that by 12.10 am i was learning Punjabi dancing on a bar. 

I had a blast.

I miss you though Budsie and I made sure i phoned mum straight after the bells cos thats the first thing you would do. 

We had christmas dinner at mine, and it was so good to spent it with mum and dad and reisse then boxing day with the rest of the family. 


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