I never dreamed you'd leave in summer
"Sorry to hear your news, are you ok?" I don't wanna talk about it. I don't say that because I don't want to talk about my wonderful dad but I can't verbally express the pain without it being one mad ball of distress. I feel like I've been ok in the two weeks since dad passed away. Maybe I've been too ok because I had a phone call from someone dear to me today and I couldn't stop crying. I said to mum last week that I felt like I was taking dads passing a lot easier than Scott's and she said it's maybe because we had known dad was ill whereas Scott's death was abrupt and shocking. And that's where my guilt sets in: why was one persons passing less distressing than another's. I was so completely in love with my dad and my brother that the fact I don't have the protectors is destroying me. I'm lost!! "I never dreamed you'd leave in summer!" - Michael jackson Why am I taking this so well? Why...